Bike for Europe
pass by your city unnoticed
The tour will arrive at its final destination in Vienna on September 21st. On the evening they arrive the Bike for Europe team will get involved in a Critical Mass event, where cyclists ride together to raise awareness about environmentally friendly mobility, something that all of our team members are passionate about. On the same day in Vienna the Austrian Presidency will highlight the diverse economic dimension of sport, with a conference on the subject. The event will facilitate an exchange of views and information on a number of topics, including the economic benefits that the positive health effects of sport and exercise have across a range of sectors, from health to transport.
On the 22nd of September “The Day of Sports” will take place in Prater Park, The Bike for Europe team will have a booth inside the European Village, and later play a big part in the opening of the European Week of Sport. Photos and videos from the tour will be shown on the big screen, before the teams ride onto the stage, park up their bikes, and both the North and South team will join together to symbolise unity across Europe! A Q &A will then take place, and the team will then be present alongside the European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, Tibor Navracsics, for the official opening of the European Week of Sport!
Join in when we celebrate the final stop on the tour!
You can find more information here:
Vienna BFE event co-ordination
Visit us at one of our many events and tour stops throughout Europe between 1 September to 23 September 2018 and experience what the world of cycling has to offer. [Check the tour stops and off-route events] and find out when we are closest to your city!
Check the dates when the tour is closest to you and tell your friends about #BikeForEurope.