Wroclaw supporting NowWeBike again with side events planned on 22 September
Bike for Europe off route side events in Poland are putting the country on the NowWeBike map again this year on 22 September, as Wrocławskie Centrum Rozwoju Społecznego (WCRS) and V4Sport Foundation are joining forces to promote active transport and physical activity and support the good cause and values the cycling teams are carrying with them across Europe.
Wrocław is known as a ‘Meeting place’, so recreational cyclists around the city will be invited to meet on the famous Słodowa Island for a special event. Activities will include thhe ‘Little bike repairs’ workshop, the one and only bicycle cinema, a big ‘Family bike peloton’ around the city and ‘Slow biking competitions. Participants will also be invited to donate their biking kilometres towards buying bicycles for people in need.

“Wrocław also stands for bikes,” V4Sport’s Bike for Europe side event coordinator Anna Cichoka says. “Cycling is getting more and more popular so the community is surely growing. Even though V4Sport Foundation and WCRS don't work together on daily basis, we are joining forces to promote the tour together. I would also say that the commitment of Wrocław is even bigger now, with Tomasz Szkwarek from WCRS deciding to join the northern team and cycle 1750 km to Vienna.”
Szwarek started his journey with the North Team on Saturday and the city of Wrocław will be watching social media and footage from the European Week of Sport opening in Vienna on 22 September as he and the north team arrive to meet the south team. So 22 September will be a very special day for Wrocław!
Find out more about the event here https://nowwebike.nowwemove.com/event-wroclaw/
Pictured above: The 2016 NowWeBike Journey of Team stopped in Wrocław to participate in the 1000km of Energy event