Take the weight off your shoulders and onto your bike
01/05/2018Insightful information from the European Cycle Logistics Federation’s (ECLF) Symposium and the International Cargo Bike Festival in Berlin.

Georgios Farfaras, CEO of Greenways Social Enterprise, a longtime partner of the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA), represented Bike For Europe and took part in the European Cycle Logistics Federation’s (ECLF) Symposium and the International Cargo Bike Festival in Berlin.
The ECLF Symposium was kicked-off with opening speeches by Richard Armitage, founding director of ECLF and Michael Cramer, Member of the European Parliament and father of EuroVelo Route 13 – the Iron Curtain Trail. Euro Velo Route 13 stretches along the line, which formerly divided Europe for more than 40 years. That is the reason why this specific route is both meaningful and symbolic, while aligning with the aims and objectives of Bike For Europe, namely social integration through physical activity, across boarders and nations.
The ECLF Symposium 2018 in Berlin was attended by more than 170 international participants. It served as a platform for exchanging ideas and sharing new projects and initiatives. Amongst a myriad of other things the German cycle logistics operators announced the founding of a national cycle logistics association, and also a large scale cargo bike-cooperation between major packet delivery companies and the city of Berlin was presented to those in attendance.
Between the 14th and 15th of April the former airport - Tempelhof in Berlin - turned into a hotspot for cargo-bike enthusiasts from around the world, staging the International Cargo Bike Festival (ICBF).
Greenways Social Cooperative Enterprise was invited as the Greek National Contact Point for cycle logistics in the non-profit area, and therefore had the chance to share information and promote our pan-European event #BikeForEurope during the festival.
The sunny weather gave a great opportunity for various cycling activities for people of all ages, like the International Berlin Cargo Bike Spring Race organised by the Cargo Bike Fans Berlin. Since 2012 the International Cargo Bike Festival in Nijmegen (Netherlands) has become the most important forum for producers, dealers, service providers and the wider scene surrounding the area of cargo cycling. The seventh edition of ICBF exhibited more than 50 cargo bike brands and 20 cargo initiatives, showing that this sector is constantly growing.

Georgios Farfaras, who will be the Bike For Europe leader of the South Team cycling from Thessaloniki to Vienna, also had also opportunity to test bikes in the open air, in order to find the best cycling solutions for the tour through the mountainous Balkans this autumn. “We want to show that cycling day trips or long distance cycling tours are very doable, even for amateur cyclists with or without electric assistance. Cycling holidays can include even small kids in a family cargo bike. It is quite difficult in countries without specific cycling education or cycling infrastructure, but things are slowly changing to better conditions, not least in Greece!” Farfaras states.
Some years ago “I replace a car“ was the title of a German cargo bike campaign. What might have sounded idealistic and utopian some years ago has become a reality. Today, cargo bikes are our partners for families everyday life, for express deliveries, grand shopping carts, and touring bikes with a lot of stowage. More than 40 brands were exhibiting their products, from single to multi-lane bikes, trailers and transport possibilities, with or without electric assistance, for family or professional life. Advocacy groups together with cargo bike initiatives are fighting for a more sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly urban mobility as well as a developed cycling infrastructure, in order to better integrate cargo bikes into our everyday life.
The industry is ready! Are we?
Greenway Social Cooperation Enterprise and the International Sport and Culture Association want to thank the organisers and Mr. Jos Sluijsmans for this great event and the opportunity to spread the idea of #BikeForEurope. #WithRefugees #BeActive